Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP) can be seen as an extended version of the Gridded Population of the World (GPW). While the GPW assumes that population within each sub-national administrative boundary (provinces, districts, etc.), obtained from the census results, is uniformly distributed, GRUMP attempts to allocate more population to urban areas than to rural areas within each sub-national district.

GRUMP produces three datasets. See this background paper for detail.

This vector dataset provides the locations of all the cities/towns with population more than 1,000 around the world. Population in 1990, 1995, and 2000 is also recorded for each city/town.

This dataset is used by Mariaflavia Hariri (2016) "Cities in Bad Shape: Urban Geometry in India".

This raster dataset provides the locations of urban areas, derived mainly from nighttime light satellite images (areas lit in the evening are regarded as urban) but also from the Settlement Points data. Population for each urban area is also recorded.

This raster dataset provides the spatial distribution of population at the 30x30 arc-second cell level, more disaggregated than GPW version 3. Population data from census at the administrative boundary level is allocated to each cell within the boundary by taking into consideration the Urban Extents data. 

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